At session of Presidium RKF of 11/24/2010 was accepted the standard of Russkaya Tsvetnaya Bolonka. The following standard comes into force from the moment of publication in the RCF Bulletin.
FCI-RKF- Standard 11.24.2010/ Russia
Russkaya Tsvetnaya Bolonka

ORIGIN: Russia
UTILIZATION: Dog-partner.
CLASSIFICATION: group 9, Dog-partner.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: In origin of RUSSKAYA TSVETNAYA BOLONKA took part French Bichon, Shih-tzu, lhasa-apso. Creation of the breed started in 1951 when sections of show dogs in dog breeding and hunting clubs were being founded.
A group of homogeneous, close according to the exterior individuals, made by selection on a phenotype was formed in Leningrad Cynologists and Fans-dog breeders of Leningrad’s society of hunters and fishers. The mainest breed’s attributes were small size (20-24 sm), rich one-colored coat cover. In 1962 there were written the Standrd for the breed group “tsvetnaya bolonka”. In 1966 the standard was confirmed by All-Union Canine Council under the Ministry of Agriculture. According to the decision of Moscow City Executive Commettee out of sections of decorative dogs under Sverdlovsk Inter-District Society in 1973 in Moscow was founded MGOLS (The Moscow City Society of Dogs Fans). Active breeding work and cooperation with cynologists of Leningrad approved MGOLS the basic center of genetic work with the breed “tsvetnaya bolonka”. In 80’s popularity of the breed grows, there were organized clubs and kennels. Then there was founded a National Breed’s Club “Tsvetnaya bolonka”.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: small, slightly long format, harmonious constitution. Looks smart, thanks to the effective colours of dense coat. Melting and nice eyes expression. Tsvetnaya bolonka shouldn't be similar to shih-tzu or poodle.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of a trunk exceeds height in withers no more than 15 %. Depth of a thorax is equal to half of height in withers. The length of a muzzle is little more than one third of length of a head.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT: Tender dog with vivid temperament and the balanced character.
HEAD: Proportional to the general constitution.
CRANIAL REGION: Skull is rounded, lightly convex, the occiput is poorly expressed, supraorbital ridges are moderately expressed, with well developed short stop.

Nose: small, vertical in a profile, nostrils are well opened; nose is black or similar to the tone of colour, preferable more dark.
Muzzle: rather short, dry, lightly tapering to a nose. Nasal bone is straight, in the basis is wide. Lower jaw is wide enough.
Lips: tight, the edges of lips are black or similar to the tone of the colour, preferable more dark.
Jaws/teeth: scissor bite, level bite and undershot without break are tolerated. Teeth are white, strong. Incisors stand perpendicularly to the jaw, presence of all incisors and canines are desirable.
Cheeks: Cheeks are lightly rounded.
Eyes: average size, dark, round, looking straight ahead. Brown coloured dogs are tolerated to have lighter eyes; black close fitting eyelids or similar to the tone of the colour, friendly and mischievous eyes expression.
Ears: average length, V-shaped, lightly blunt, hanging on the gristles, moderately highly. They are covered by rich luxury coat.
NECK: Average length, sloping topline, dry, brawny.
BODY: Compact, moderately wide.
Top line: level.
Withers: moderately expressed.
Back: Straight, strong, broad, brawny, moderately long.
Loin: Short, lightly arched.
Croup: Rounded, moderate length, wide enough, slightly steep, with the developed muscles.
Chest: Moderately wide, oval shaped, long, low part reaches elbows.
Line of a bottom and abdomen: Abdomen is moderately tucked up.
TAIL: Average length, high set, snap in the form of a ring or is on the back. The end of a tail is pressed to a trunk.
The tail is completely covered by coat.
General view: straight and parallel, moderately widely.
Blades: Are slantwise front, pulled back, with good muscles, angulation with a shoulder is 100-110 ˚.
Shoulders: The length of humeral bone is equal to the length of the blade
Elbows: Are directed strictly back.
Forearms: Average length, upright.
Wrists: Continue a vertical line of a forearm.
Pasterns: Strong, almost upright.
Paws: Small, round form, close-cupped, tightly-knit. Pads and claws are dark.
General view: straight and parallel, moderately wide.
Hips: Average length, with the developed muscles, slightly laid back
Stifls: Round, angles are moderately expressed.
Thighs: Average length, slightly slanting.
Hocks: Dry, strong, moderate angulated.
Rear pasterns: Average length, upright.
Paws: Hindfeet are little smaller than forefeet, they are oval shaped in a lump, close-cupped, tightly-knit. Pads and claws are dark.
MOVEMENTS: effortless, free
SKIN: elastic, without wrinkles, its pigmentation corresponds to the colour of the coat.
COAT: Long, silky, shining, dense, with well developed undercoat, covered the whole body. Hair is thick, heavy. The large curl is preferable, wavy coat is tolerated.
COLOUR: Any colour, except white and spotty. Small white marks on the chest and fingers are tolerated.
Height in withers: Desirable growth (male and female) – up to 26 sm
Weight: The average weight of males and females – 3-4 kg.
DEFECTS: Any departure from the foreground points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

1. Square or too long format. Long- or short-legged
2. Flat forehead, slightly defied stop, long muzzle.
3. Absence of one incisors.
4. Straight coat.
5. Fine hair.

1. Semi-pricked or prick ears.
2. Bulging eyes.
3. Absence of 2 and more incisors.
4. Undershot with break.
5. Absence of undercoat.
6. Gnarled tail.
7. Short cabriole forearms.
8. Large white stain on chest, white paws.
1. Non-standard coat colour.
2. Absence of coat on a head.
3. Overshot, wry mouth.
4. Heigh in withers more than 28 sm
5. Uncontrollability, aggression.
6. Blue or partycoloured eyes.
7. Bobbed tail.
8. Too cobby.
N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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